How does this product work?
Impress has taken the three most clinically proven substances known for anti-aging and placed these solutions on separately sealed pads. Your box of pads are arranged in the order they are applied. Simply remove the top pad from the box, apply it, and discard. Naturally take years off your appearance. Impress is easy, affordable and best of all it contains the most clinically proven ingredients that work!
Lastly, Impress Skincare is a cruelty-free brand, and our ingredients are naturally derived.
Grab your Sample Pack today and start experiencing beautiful, vibrant and youthful skin!
3 unique formulas, 1 pad per day…it’s genius!
Why Impress Skincare?
How is Impress® different? I've used so many other products before...
Our anti-aging facial pads are unique in that all of your anti-aging products that lift, firm, smooth and even coloration are found in one box on separately sealed pads. Affordable and easy to apply, Impress® removes the burden of purchasing and applying many products.
When do I apply? Morning or evening?
Apply the top pad in your box of pads once per day in the morning or evening. Your choice. For maximum results, gently cleanse with Impress® Foaming Cleanser prior to applying. Rinse and dry off, then apply your daily pad. Apply Impress® Moisturizer one minute after pad application. Wait 5-10 minutes to apply Impress® Moisturizer after applying the Peel & Brighten pad to avoid deactivating the acid peeling effect before it completes its work.
How long does it take? How soon will I see results?
The Peel & Brighten pad delivers nearly instant results by dissolving the surface layer of dead skin cells in minutes. Healthy living cells are revealed presenting an instant healthy youthful glow. Uplifting & Firming will begin working right away to stimulate new collagen growth. New collagen firms and lifts sagging & wrinkled skin. Understand it takes time for collagen to grow, so be patient and allow your skin to keep improving with daily use. Like diet & exercise, anti-aging is a lifestyle. The simpler and more affordable your routine, the more likely you will adopt it as a lifestyle, and thereby, achieve optimal results. Our process only requires one simple swipe of a pad per day, making it easy, affordable and effective with daily use.
Where is the clinical proof?
You may want to search the Internet regarding our core active ingredients: Retinoids,Hydroxy acids and Anti-oxidants.
There is a multitude of published peer-reviewed clinical science establishing the effectiveness of these specific dermatological vehicles for the anti-aging of skin. We have found no equivalents with as great a volume of clinical research supporting the anti-aging benefits as Retinoids, Hydroxy acids and Anti-oxidants. Impress® Anti-Aging Facial Pads provides a revolutionary proprietary delivery system, allowing you the simplest most affordable way to apply these proven anti-aging ingredients to your skin.
Beautiful Skin Looks Good On You
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